5 Activities That Could Be Worsening Your Dry Eye Symptoms

5 Activities That Could Be Worsening Your Dry Eye Symptoms

5 Activities That Could Be Worsening Your Dry Eye Symptoms

5 Activities That Could Be Worsening Your Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye is a condition that causes the eyes to feel itchy, dry, and quite uncomfortable. Tears help protect the eyes by keeping them moist, washing away dirt particles, and providing vital nutrients. 


When the eyes fail to produce adequate tears or produce bad quality tears, it causes dry eye syndrome. The condition is usually progressive and chronic, often caused by different factors. Some of the activities listed below can worsen dry eye symptoms. 


Smoking Tobacco

Smoking is harmful not just to your lungs but also to the eyes. Tobacco smoke irritates the eyes, leading to the breakdown of the protective layer of oily tears. The smoke intensifies dry eye symptoms, extending to second-hand smokers. 


People who smoke are more likely to get dry eyes than those who don’t. Quitting unhealthy habits can reduce symptoms while also improving overall health. 


Being in Strong Wind


Driving, riding, or walking in strong wind can worsen dry eye symptoms. You might love the feeling of the cool wind blowing against your face but unfortunately, your eyes suffer. The blowing wind causes the tears that lubricate the eyes to evaporate rapidly. 


This means that the protective eye surface is removed, leaving the eyes exposed to the elements. The sensitive eye cornea becomes dry, making the dry eye symptoms worse. 


Prolonged Computer Use


Spending long hours in front of your computer can aggravate dry eye symptoms. Staring at the screen for long reduces the number of times that you blink. Blinking spreads the tear film across the eyeballs. 


Failing to blink causes dryness and discomfort. You should give your eyes frequent breaks when working at your computer. Resting your eyes will help restore the natural blinking pattern. 


Wearing Contacts for Prolonged Periods


Wearing contacts can make you more susceptible to developing dry eyes. If you have dry eyes, you are not a good candidate for wearing contacts; instead, you should stick to glasses. Contacts are worn directly on the cornea, causing dryness and irritation. 


Some people sleep with their contacts, and this can be very harmful to the eyes. Switching to glasses when you get home from work can prevent the worsening of your symptoms.


Using a Blow Dryer


If you frequently use a blow dryer to dry your hair, you could be worsening your dry eye symptoms. The blow dryer produces hot, dry air that can evaporate moisture from the eyes. As hot air blows on the face, the tear fluid evaporates, causing dry eyes. 


For this reason, you should also avoid sitting in front of a fan or heater. Sitting next to the air conditioner is a major cause of eye dryness. Avoid exposing yourself to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.


Performing activities that require intense visual concentration can worsen your dry eye symptoms. The strain on the eyes causes them to dry faster. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes and body hydrated. Wear wraparound glasses any time you go outdoors on windy days.


For more on the activities that can worsen dry eye symptoms, visit Positive Eye Ons Optometry at our office in Los Angeles, California. You can call (323) 651-5646 to book an appointment today.

Date Posted: September 1, 2021​​​​​​​
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