How Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

How Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

How Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

How Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

Dry eye is a condition that causes a chronic lack of moisture and lubrication on the eyes. Your eyes need constant and adequate tears to keep them healthy. This consistent lubrication makes an individual comfortable. It also allows one to see well.

When tears bathe the eye, they wash away dust and debris. These dust and debris carry microorganisms. The microorganisms in these particles are not healthy for the eyes. These microorganisms, together with the dust and debris, can damage the cornea. They can also lead to an eye infection.


Dry Eye in the Fall

The drier, colder air of fall and the allergens in the air increase dry eye symptoms. Allergens like ragweed occur in late summer and early fall. Many people use the old-fashioned term hay fever to refer to them. Hay fever triggers symptoms of dry eye and worsens it. However, allergy medication helps alleviate the symptoms.


How Do Symptoms Worsen?

Some activities we engage in may stir up allergens that are common in the fall. If you have dry eye, you need to take precautions. Preventative measures will also keep your condition from worsening.


Gardening and Playing Field Sports

Although ragweed only lasts for a season, it produces billions of pollen. Gardening, yard work, and field sports may stir up some pollen from ragweed. Apart from ragweed, leaves also harbor mold, which is another allergen. If you cannot avoid your outside activity, wear eye protection. You will avoid triggering allergies from these components.


Not Wearing Eye Protection When Outside

Eye protection will not only protect you from dust, pollen, mold, and other allergens, but it will also protect you from the cold, dry air. The air in the fall has lower humidity. The lower humidity means the air is drier.

Dry air irritates and worsens the symptoms of dry eye. If you are indoors, use a humidifier. It will add moisture to the air and make your eyes more comfortable.


Medications and Use of Eye Drops

Dry eye may worsen in the fall for people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Others who may experience the same are those with high blood pressure and anxiety. Those receiving hormone replacement therapies make up another category. It happens mainly because of the medications they take. These medications have different mechanisms that may lead to dry eye in different ways.

Some eye drops claim to eliminate redness from your eyes. They only do so for a while. After that, they cause a rebound effect. The rebound effect makes the redness worse. The preservatives in the eye drops may also contribute to irritation.


Not Hydrating Properly

You need to hydrate properly during fall and winter. In summer, it is easy to keep drinking water as the heat makes you hot and thirsty. But in the fall, the colder weather does not encourage one to drink water.

Keep a reminder that you need to drink water and keep hydrated. This is especially so if you are taking medication. It will also help to counter the low humidity in the air.

For more on dry eyes, visit Positive Eye Ons Optometry at our office in Los Angeles, California. You can call (323) 651-5646 today to schedule an appointment.

Date Posted: November 2, 2021​​​​​​​
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