Is Lipiflow® an Effective Treatment for Dry Eye?

Is Lipiflow® an Effective Treatment for Dry Eye?

Is Lipiflow® an Effective Treatment for Dry Eye?

Is Lipiflow® an Effective Treatment for Dry Eye?

If you suffer from dry eye, effective treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. Arguably, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is the principal cause of dry eye syndrome. This condition results from the clogging of the oil glands. 


Since LipiFlow® helps remove the oil blockages, is it an effective treatment for dry eye?


Meibomian Gland Dysfunction 


Tears consist of three layers—oil, water, and mucin. They help keep the eye surface well lubricated. 


The meibomian glands along the eyelids produce the oil in the tear film. When the glands fail to function properly, they become clogged, leading to insufficient oil production. The amount or quality of the oil reduces owing to gland dysfunction. 


MGD leads to fast evaporation of tears, leaving the eyes dry. Over 85 percent of patients diagnosed with dry eye have MGD. 


Diagnosing Dry Eye Condition


To diagnose the condition, the doctor can use a series of tests; these include: 


  • A tear osmolarity test - This can help determine if you have dry eye disease. 
  • A Lipiscan® - This will determine if you are a good candidate for LipiFlow. 
  • A Dynamic Meibomian Imaging (DMI) - This may also be useful in checking the condition of the glands. 
  • A LipiView® exam - The doctor may use this exam before recommending the treatment. A complete assessment will confirm if the treatment is right for your condition. 


LipiFlow Treatment for MGD


An eye specialist will examine you to determine if your dry eye condition is due to MGD. If that is the case, they may recommend treatments for the condition. LipiFlow treatment involves using a Vectored Thermal Pulsation device, which helps activate tear production. 


It has a console and an Activator that sends heat pulses to the meibomian glands. It produces warmth while applying gentle massage to the eyelids. It helps remove blockages in the glands and enhances the secretion of oil.


After LipiFlow Treatment 


Lipiflow unclogs the glands, leading to their activation. Removing the blockages results in the resumption of natural oil production and secretion of a healthy tear film. Enough oil in the tear film will prevent fast tear evaporation and lead to a healthy eye surface. 


The 12-minute procedure is painless, but anesthetic eye drops help ensure comfort during the process. A single session of LipiFlow can provide significant relief for patients with dry eye due to MGD.


Effectiveness of LipiFlow 


The results of LipiFlow treatment are usually immediate, with many people experiencing relief after the first session. However, most patients experience the full results after two weeks of treatment. The number of sessions required will depend on the severity of the patient’s condition. The doctor will advise you on the best treatment course for you. 


The effects of LipiFlow treatment can last one to two years, depending on the individual, though most patients require annual treatments. But dry eye is usually a chronic condition, so you will need to repeat the treatment regularly for long-term relief. 


For more on whether Lipiflow is effective for dry eye, call Positive Eye Ons Optometry at (323) 651-5646 to reach our office in Los Angeles, California.

Date Posted: May 2, 2022​​​​​​​
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