Top Tips for Dry Eyes in the Winter

Top Tips for Dry Eyes in the Winter

Top Tips for Dry Eyes in the Winter

Top Tips for Dry Eyes in the Winter

Just as the cold weather can affect your skin and make it itchy, it can cause relatively the same discomfort to your eyes. When the temperatures drop, the air becomes dry. This lack of moisture can irritate the surface of your eyes. Do you usually wear contact lenses? Perhaps, you suffer from chronic allergies? If so, you will likely quickly notice the discomfort brought about by the chilly air. Here are some tips for dry eyes in the winter:


Have a Humidifier. 

Humidifying your home is one of the best things you can do to prevent or soothe dry eye symptoms. During winter, your home’s humidity level can dip below the range necessary for your eyes to stay moist. A humidifier can help offset the dry air inside when you turn up the heater. As you know, your sinuses don’t function properly when the air is too dry. The cold, dry winter chill will pull moisture from your nasal passages. This can lead to congestion, sinusitis, and irritated eyes.


Blink Often. 

Your eyes tend to blink less when you’re focused on highly visual tasks. These include reading, working on a computer, or watching shows on your smartphone. Less blinking can make eye dryness worse. To avoid this, let your eyes rest and remember to blink regularly. Following the 20-20-20 rule also helps. Every 20 minutes, you have to look at an object from 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. This technique is known to relieve eyestrain.


Use Warm Compress or Artificial Tears. 

One way to assist with tear secretion is by applying a warm, damp washcloth to your eyes. Do this for a few minutes per eye. You can also keep your eyes moistened by using artificial tears. There are over-the-counter eye drops, gels, and lubricants to help relieve minor irritations. Avoid rubbing your eyes, too, as it can cause corneal abrasions and inflammation. The swelling will affect the quality of your tears, which can exacerbate your already dry eyes.


Wear Sunglasses. 

Don’t forget to wear sunglasses when going outdoors. Whether it’s sunny or cloudy, use a pair of sunglasses. This will protect you from ultraviolet light damage and harsh weather elements. It’s also highly advisable to wear protective goggles or a mask when engaging in sports and other athletic activities outside.


Eat Right and Drink More Fluids. 

Increasing your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids is also beneficial. Research shows that they help protect your eyes against dry eyes and other eye diseases like macular degeneration. These nutrients seem to support the proper drainage of your intraocular fluids. This makes your eyes less prone to dryness and swelling during the colder months of the year. Another effective way to fend off dry eyes in winter is staying hydrated. Water keeps your eyes lubricated and your organs functioning properly. So, increase your fluid intake during the cold winter months.


Dry eyes in the winter can be frustrating. If you continue to suffer from itchy, swollen, irritated eyes, call Positive Eye Ons Optometry for a dry eye consultation with our team of dry eye experts in Manhattan Beach. We can examine your eyes and recommend the best treatment for you. Call our office now at (323) 651-5646, to book your appointment.

Date Posted: February 02, 2021​​​​​​​
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